♥Would you listen if I told you?

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Monday, April 23, 2012, 2:10 PM
21st April, 2012 <3

It's been awhile since I last blogged!

On the 21st of April Mr Yeah and I officially got together again! :))) I know it's stupid, but being officially a couple means quite a lot to me. It means I'm finally not afraid to commit again. It means I'm a hundred and ten percent sure that he is the one I am crazy about and in love with and want to spend every single minute with. It means I love him and I'm not afraid to say it.

After almost two years, and so many ups and downs, we finally put our fears aside and just decided to make it work.

That's why it means so much to me.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 10:13 AM
A draft... Because I&apos;ve been busy~

Show me the man inside
The man behind the mirror as it were
Of human skin and flesh
Let me delve into his mysteries
Understand his encryption
I’m no tech genius but I’m a girl
With a heart full of love
And the strength of ten men
That makes me more
Than ten of you
Or maybe eleven
So let me know you
Like Monet knew his paints
Get inside you
Build you up
Invigorate your entire being with my presence
That man inside you
He is what defines you
Not the brittle facade enemies see
Not the joviality that friends appreciate
Not the filial patience patents adore
I want the essence of you
That soul I’ve seen
Has anyone else?
Give him to me
And no other
Would anyone love him like I do
Understand him like I try to
Could you swear
By all that is holy
Swear that he is real
The real you
And I’ll love him forever
I’ll love you forever
Or whatever this is
Feels too gigantic to be love
That overused word
But what else can it be?
Can I redefine it?
Exacerbate its definition?
It’s our love.

Sunday, April 08, 2012, 12:06 PM
Easter weekend!!!

My long weekend was so lovely, all thanks to a certain someone.

Friday was spent going to the movies freakishly early~~~ 10 am movie aight! Was awesome though! But the movie ( wrath of the titans) made me think about how fortunate I am to not have to believe in gods who can die and who lose "power" when you don't ray to them. I mean, that's just really horrible. After the movie we walked around and bought these awesome durian puffs for my parents~ they were made with fresh durian yo!!! Can you imagineeeee? Ugh major durian craving right now. Lol.

Met my lil sisters for lunch at sakae and then we all went to SCC to chill out~ he survived my lil sisters... I'm so proud of him. So damn proud. :) and it made me realize how stunningly mature my sisters are for girls their age. I could give so many examples of girls older than them who act and sound retarded.

Okay. Then we went home and had dinner , just two of us ;) made dumplings and ramen noodles. So gooooood. I could do this everyday. Lol!

Saturday was lovely too~ met my gf for breakfast, and then slept thru the entire sermon... -.- it lasted till 12:45! And then by the time it was over we were so sleepy we weren't hungry anymore~ went home to sleep! Had to packet lunch for SP and my dad... Then we slept all the way till around 7-8! Pigs. Hurhur! Mom brought us rice with dishes for dinner~ from my favoritest store everrrrr. Yums. ;) then we watched a little of Jay Chou's movie "ni zhan" which was bluek~ hahahah. But it was such a freakin awesome day spent with him. Even though most of the time was spent sleeping. Lol!

Today is Sunday~ I shall be going down to my grandparents' house for lunch~ then that's it~ I think. Need to get ready for work tomorrow! I like the paycheck, I like the work, but I don't like that it kills the amount of time I have to spend with him. :'(

I'm out.

11:55 AM

So hungry. All the time. All the freakin time. Especially when I'm happy and filled with a million good emotions, it's hard not to eat. Im a happy eater~ I eat only when I'm happy.

But it's worth it. It's worth the struggle.
I refuse to be fatzxzxzxzxx.

Kinda miss when I was living in oblivion to how it felt to be skinny, I didn't care what I ate, and my weight rarely went above 49kg. But yea. That's a thing of the past. Now I know what 45 feels like... I want it. I need it. I will have it.

Who cares about food ;)

Monday, April 02, 2012, 8:32 AM

"I'm a nice person, I promise,".....

You know where to go to find more....

8:32 AM
Magic and unicorns.

This weekend was a good one. :)
It was good but more than good. It was like being deprived of something for days and days and eons of time, an then finally getting what you needed.